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An Aggressive Fight Gone Bad 6 Donation Widget

Sometimes it’s not enough to put the standard FGB6 donation widget in your sidebar. It can be so easily ignored by your busy members and visitors. You need something that will really reach out and grab their attention, and not let go of it until they click to donate. You need an aggressive FGB6 Donation widget. Here it is, or was, if it’s working properly:

If it’s working in your browser, the graphic should be slowly creeping along after your mouse cursor. If you click on the button, it will open up a donation page and the button will return home. It will also return if you click on the button’s home (a little secret you can tell people who donate). You can see it in action at CrossFit So ILL.

Just copy and paste this code into your site somewhere, but change the part that says REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_DONATION_PAGE_LINK with a link to a FGB6 Rapid Giving page.

NOTE: If this widget stops something else from working on your site, like an image slideshow, it’s because you’ve already got Jquery, so you can remove the part at the beginning of the widget that loads it. Delete this:

I recommend putting it up at the top of your page in a sidebar area. In WordPress just go to Appearance – Widgets then drag the Text widget over where you want it and paste that code into it and click Save. In Drupal or Joomla you might have to tell that page to allow loading Javascript.

Also, be sure to check out the CrossFit Movement Videos widget. It’s a really slick way of presenting streaming videos of CrossFit exercises/movements.